All enterprises in the private or public sector, regardless of the number of employees and economic activity, are obliged to generate a written risk assessment.
Nevertheless, an Occupational Risk Assessment should not be regarded merely as a formal obligation of the employers, but rather as a tool that:
- enables a timely risk diagnosis in the workplace and the application of preventive measures
- facilitates the evaluation of hazards based on the probability of expected occupational accidents or diseases and the means to deal with them according to the enterprise's available resources
- facilitates the identification of factors causing fatigue, job dissatisfaction and production loss
- justifies Safety Management and provides an opportunity for incorporation of risk prevention activities and procedures into other functions of management, such as production, Quality Assurance, Personnel Management, etc.
Moreover, Occupational Risk Assessment is a procedure ensuring:
- the employer's compliance with Health and Safety legislation
- reduction or elimination of occupational accidents and diseases and therefore a general reduction of costs
- enhancement of productivity through the improvement of working conditions
Occupational Risk Assessment concerns all enterprises, not only the high risk ones, given that all activities present problems that might affect employees' Health and Safety and the enterprise's productivity.
Always remember what are your Business benefits:
1. Good practice in health and safety makes sound business sense. You can:
- Protect your workers from the suffering caused by accidents and ill health
- Reduce absences and sick leave
- Save absence costs
- Improving health and safety measures at the workplace reduces the likelihood that people will need to take sick leave.
2. Save money on the direct costs of absence. These include:
- paying the salary of the absent employee
- overtime incurred by other employees covering for the absent employee
- loss of output incurred by the absent employee.
3. Save money on the indirect costs of absence. These include:
- the time taken for a replacement to learn the new role and become productive
- possible diminished services and product quality
- loss of business, continuity and reputation
- recruiting temporary or replacement staff
- training and providing support to other staff.
- The sooner you take positive action to reduce absence, the sooner your sick employee can return to work successfully and get on with helping you build your business.
- Retain staff
- Maintain your organizations' reputation
Preventing accidents and ill health at work helps you build a good reputation with your clients, your workers, their friends and associates.
You have worked hard to build a positive and respectable image for your business. It's vital that your business keeps that good name.
If your company comes into disrepute for any reason, including avoidable injury or accidents in the work environment, or continued employee ill health, it can cost you more than replacing that member of staff.
Improving health and safety helps you improve morale and productivity in your business. Your workers can do their work with less difficulty and less danger. They will appreciate improvements you make to their working environment. This can save you money and add to your profitability in the long run.
Stress and accidents at work are two of the biggest causes of absence from work today. Whether they cause short, unscheduled absences or long-term illness, they can have a serious impact on your productivity and profits.